About me

Welcome to my site.

My name is Irina, I am a qualified beautician. I have been working in this field for over 15 years. I also have extensive knowledge in the Holistic and Ayrvedic fields and on the adequate use of supplements.
My job is to achieve psychic well-being and the desired physical fitness through individual and personalized plans. I am able to identify the imbalances of the body through the bio magnetic resonance that must be carried out with a specific machine that uses the electromagnetic waves produced by the cells.
I practice yoga KUNDALINI and do energy practices on myself.
I carry out my home business in TUSCANY END LIGURIA, FORTE DEI MARMI, MASSA,CARRARA, MARINA DI PIETRASANTA, LERICI ,LA SPEZIA, SARZANA, LIVORNO, PISA, ROSIGNANO, PRATO, FLORENCE ,PORTOFINO, , I am willing to reach you in any place that is most convenient for you.

Massages at Home

Do you dream of a life without thoughts? It is absolutely possible!

How many times has it happened to you to notice that you are stressed and that you would need a nice massage? How nice would it be to download the thoughts and tensions of the day in a moment? How many times has it happened to you to make an appointment in a center but then you had to cancel for too many commitments?
From now on you will no longer have to spend time on the street or stress yourself out looking for a parking space that cannot be found under the office of your favorite masseur. You have the opportunity to receive the much desired massage directly in the most convenient place for you. Luxury Home Massage offers many types of massage.


Hello kind visitor. My name is Massimiliano.

I have a degree in physical education. But my real passion is the holistic world in particular Thai and shiatsu massages.
I studied Thai massage techniques in Bangkok for 5 years from true oriental massage gurus. I am also qualified to practice as a shiatsu masseur with the certification obtained in Italy issued by the competent body. My main job is to help people balance their psycho-physical state through energy practices and manual treatments. I will be happy to share my knowledge with you.

I carry out the following treatments:
Sports massage Thai massage
Shiatsu massage

Home massage is like the one done in a professional studio
but you choose the place and time to receive the treatment.

Irina 3317416880
Irina 3317416880
Massimiliano 3245464590

The treatment should be carried out in the most convenient place for you. For more details on this, consult the number above.



From 9.00 to 20.00
Sunday and every day after 08.00 pm will be applied the supplement 50 euro per hour